There are seven players per team. Each team has a flag on the court. Players try to steal the other team’s flag while hurling snowballs at each other. If you’re hit, you’re out!
A team can win in three ways. They can grab the other team’s flag. They can tag out all the other team’s players. Or they can have the most players left when time is up.
More than 100 teams will face off at this month’s championship. But in the past 30 years, no team from outside Japan has won. “The Japanese are very intimidating,” says MacMaster. “Their aim is extremely accurate. They hit an opponent 8 out of 10 times!”
In 2016, the Snowbattlers were the first international team to advance to the second day of the tournament. This has made them minor celebrities. “Everyone’s always asking for our autographs,” says MacMaster.
The Snowbattlers aren’t competing in this month’s championship, but they hope to go back next year. “We play to win,” says MacMaster.