STEP 1: On a sheet of grid paper, draw a rectangle that is 16 unit squares wide and 20 unit squares long.
STEP 2: Divide your rectangle into 2 equal rows. Number the rows 1 and 2.
STEP 3: For row 1, “plant” a coral cluster in a 2-unit-by-2-unit square in the left-hand corner. Use your pencil to shade in the cluster—1 unit square represents 1 coral planting.
STEP 4: Move to the right 1 unit square. Then plant another 2-unit-by-2-unit cluster. Continue planting in this pattern until row 1 is filled. Leave a unit square of space between each cluster to make sure your plantings are evenly spaced.
STEP 5: For row 2, plant coral clusters in any arrangement youʼd like. Just make sure your arrangements are evenly spaced and all the same size.